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A New Church Starting

St Luke's Church

Living Hope Church is launching...

...just not quite as we planned. Over the next couple of weeks Living Hope Church Thurmaston will begin meeting for its first Sunday services.

At 4pm this Sunday 18th September Living Hope Church will be having it's own Reflection and Thanksgiving Service for the life of Queen Elizabeth II. Whilst this won't be the celebration launch that had been planned for the start of Living Hope, we are hoping and praying that it will be a great way of connecting with, and serving the community of Thurmaston. If you would like to attend this first service at 4pm at Church Hill Junior School, Church Hill, Thurmaston, LE4 8DE then you would be most welcome to join.

The following Sunday, 25th September, there will be a Cornerstone Team Commissioning Service at 10:45am at St Luke's Church. This will be an opportunity to hear the story of God leading us to plant Living Hope, to commission the team, and commit ourselves to the life of the churches in the tea

At 4pm on Sunday 25th September at Church Hill Junior School Living Hope Church will have its official celebration launch service, to mark that start of this new church plant. Again, if you would like to join the Living Hope planting team, enjoy the celebrations, and show your support, then it would be great to have you there.

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