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Generosity - 3 questions and 3 principles

St Luke's Church

We've recently taken time in the life of St Luke's to think about God's generosity and our response of living big hearted lives. When we talk about generosity it includes what we do with our money but includes so much more, our time, our attention, our reputations.

We've put together three questions to ask and three principles to help when it comes to being generous, big hearted people.

3 Questions

  1. Does our generosity highlight the generosity of Jesus?

  2. How much of what God has given to us do we need to hold on to?

  3. Does our generosity make a difference to our lives and to our lifestyles?

3 Principles

  1. Give because it is good for us.

  2. Give because it enables mission.

  3. Give proportionately and prayerfully.

If you missed any of the Sunday sermons in the Giving Generously series you can listen to them here. and you can find our more about The Generosity Project that our home groups are currently using.

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