Last Sunday in all our service we highlighted the area of safeguarding in the life of St Luke's. Safeguarding is all that we do to protect people from harm and keep people safe. To get an idea of what Safeguarding is all about Thirtyone:eight have produced this video:
You can find a summary of our safeguarding commitments here and a copy of the full safeguarding policy is available on request.
There are some big thank yous when it comes to safeguarding at St Luke's.
A big thank you to Ant and Debbie who have been our Parish Safeguarding Officers for a number of years.
A big thank you to so many in the life of St Luke's who are involved with different activities and events especially with children, young people, and vulnerable adult and have undertaken safeguarding training.
A big thank you to everyone for the steps they take to protect people and keep people safe.
There are also three ways in which you can help.
1. Volunteer to be our new Parish Safeguarding Officer. After a number of years Debbie has stepped back from being one our Parish Safeguarding Officers and we are in need of someone else to serve in this role. It is a more behind the scenes role and you would need to undertake some safeguarding training, help with some administration, and be a support for others in the church for safeguarding matters. If you'd like to know more do get in touch with Tom ( | 07817435483).
2. Keep up-to-date with any training or checks. In order to serve on some of the teams at St Luke's you will have to undertake safeguarding training or have a DBS check both of which have to be renewed every 3 years. We will send reminders to those who need to renew their training. If you've never done any safeguarding training and would like to develop your understanding you can complete the Basic Awareness Course online using the Church of England Safeguarding Portal (you will need to create an account in order to access the course).
3. Speak up if you have seen or heard anything about a child or an adult that concerns you. You can find details of who you can speak on our safeguarding poster below.