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Staff Team Changes

St Luke's Church

On Sunday we were able to announce some changes taking place on the St Luke’s staff team to better reflect our current situation and our priorities as a church community to plant, build, and grow.

I’m pleased to share that Lizzie Berry’s role is going to develop over the coming months from being our Children and Families Minister to be our Schools and Community Outreach Minister. This reflects the growth in schools ministry that Lizzie has been involved with over the last six years and to build on her connections with people of all ages in the wider community as the HUB community centre and café starts to be built in the next year.

Speaking about the changes to her role Lizzie says,

“I’m really looking forward to being able to develop our work with local schools and to be connecting with more people in our surrounding communities in new ways as we get ready for the HUB to be built and opened. I am excited to see all that God does in the coming months and years.”

Partnering with Lizzie and complementing her role we are looking to appoint a full time Youth, Children, and Families Minister who will partner with parents and the church community so that youth, children, and families know and love Jesus, feel valuable in the church community, and are sent out inspired and equipped to live for Jesus. The advert has gone live and the deadline for applications is the end of Saturday 30th April.

Please be praying for Lizzie as her role develops in the coming months and for the appointment of a Youth, Children, and Families Minister who loves Jesus has a real heart for young people and children, and is a really good fit for St Luke’s.

You can find out more information and how to apply at

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