For many of us the summer weeks means a change of routine, time away, or enjoying that the weather is warmer and even though we are past the longest day, evenings remain light.
With this in mind, over the coming summer Sunday evenings our 6:30pm services will have a slightly different format. We will still gather, worship, hear from God's word, and pray together but each Sunday evening will have a different focus and different feel to it.
Sunday, 31st July - pizza from Mama Goodman's Pizzeria (established during the recent trip to Luminosity at New Wine) and hopefully the chance to catch the final few minutes of the Euro 2022 final, worship, hearing from those who were at Luminosity and the opportunity to share any encouragements God has given us over the last few weeks.
Sunday 7th August - responding to what we hear from God's word creatively, whatever that might look like for you - there will be some art/craft supplies but feel free to bring something you'd like to use.
Sunday 14th August - a prayer walk around Thurnby and Bushby lifting up the people, places, and opportunities in our local community to God.
Sunday 21st August - an evening of extended worship praising the living God who has made himself known in Jesus and poured his Spirit into our lives.
Sunday 28th August - come and hear the story of the HUB project so far, what the HUB is all about, what has happened and what is about to happen and then spend time praying together.
Sunday 4th September - hear some of the stories from a team at Knighton Free Church involved with getting food and practical support into Ukraine to serve those most impacted by the war there and here how God has been at work.