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Three Things For A New Start

St Luke's Church

We have arrived at the time of year which, for most of us, feels like a new start. For some the arrival of September can feel more like a new year than January.

There are those around you busy heading back to school or college or university. Social media feeds fill up for a few days with photos of children in front of front doors in sparkling school uniform. For others it might be a new job or simply heading back to work after a week or two away on holiday.

Even when September brings no changes for you it still feels like a new start. This sense of a new start is a legacy from our own school days which have been shaped by the agricultural year. In the UK September harvest is over and the sowing of new crops begins.

Some have suggested that September is a far better time to make resolutions than January.

As we arrive on the doorstep of September whether there are new things in store for you or your days continue to look the same here are three things for a new start:

1. Every day is a day the Lord has made, even the rubbish days. How do we respond? Let us rejoice today and be glad, even if it’s a day we’re not looking forward to or a day that hasn’t gone to plan. Psalm 118:24.

2. You are never alone. God says,

the Lord you God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”

God is not going to forget you, lose you, or give up on you. Deuteronomy 31:6.

3. In Jesus you are more loved than you can ever imagine. Not just by your family or friends but by your heavenly Father who see everything about you and comes in Jesus to save you. Ephesians 3:16-19.

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