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St Luke's Church

Autumn Term 2023

One of the foundations of St Luke's Church is BELONGING - living as the family of Jesus. If you are new to St Luke's and would like to more you can fill in the contact form at

At the start of autumn term 2023 we've been sharing FOUR THINGS of what it looks like for most people to belong to St Luke's Church.

Autumn 2023 Term Card
Autumn 2023 Term Card

Join us regularly at one our Sunday services. In our morning services we're going to be looking at the second half of Romans and then the book of 2 Peter. In the evenings we are taking some time to reflect on the different names used of God in the Bible. If you'd like to know what's coming up you can download the term card below.

Small Groups

Being plugged into some kind of midweek group or meet up with other Christians in order to be encouraged, to read the Bible, and pray together. For many people this looks like joining one of our Home Groups. Find out about what Home Group are looking at this term in the video below.

You can find out more at or by sending a message to

A collage of photos of ways to serve at St Luke's Church.

One of the best ways of feeling a part of the life of St Luke's is by serving in particular team or area of church life. We have a number of areas where help is currently needed. Click the button below to find out what those areas are and if you would like more information or the opportunity to help out.

A description of the different ways you can financially give to St Luke's Church.
Giving Information

The majority of everything that happens at St Luke's is funded by what is generously given by those who are part of St Luke's. If you've not yet signed up to give regularly you can sign up for the Parish Giving Scheme, or if you'd like to give in another way or to give a one off gift head to

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